Applications now open! LTER Graduate Writing Fellows, 2024-2025

Love writing about science? Now accepting applications for our 2024-2025 cohort of LTER Graduate Writing Fellows!

In this program, graduate students across the LTER write stories about cutting edge research from across the network. They receive tons of support from the Network Office, from coaching on interviewing and story selection to in-depth editing. It’s an awesome way to develop communications skills that might not be offered in a grad program.

Applications close November 31.

Hi Gabe. One of our RETs is interested in this opportunity. He is applying to our grad program and plans to focus on science communication. Might there be a possibility for him to participate here?

FCE Ed & Outreach

So he’d be doing the writing fellowship while applying or in his first year of grad school? If the second, we’d need to be sure that his advisor agreed it was a good idea.