ESIIL just announced their first cohort of synthesis groups

ESIIL just announced their first round of working groups (7). check ’em out: Working Groups | ESIIL

  • Advancing Fungal Dispersal Ecology through Traits and Data Harmonization
    PI: Bala Chauhary (Dartmouth College), Co-PIs: Cameron Egan (University of Southern California), Kabir Peay (Stanford University)**

  • Harmonizing Natural Methane Datasets using Knowledge Guided Machine Learning
    PI: Youmi Oh (University of Colorado Boulder), Co-PIs: Sparkle Malone (Yale University), Gavin McNicol (University of Illinois Chicago), Licheng Liu (University of Minnesota)**

  • Interdisciplinary Approaches to Modeling Extreme Wildfire Events
    PI: Melissa Lucash (University of Oregon), Co-PIs: Robert Scheller (North Carolina State University), Branda Nowell (North Carolina State University), Sam Flake (North Carolina State University), James Lamping (University of Oregon)**

  • Linking Phenological Change to Range Change in North American Plant Species
    PI: Sydne Record (University of Maine), Co-PIs: Linda Black Elk (North American Indigenous Food Systems), Dr. Kai Zhu (University of Michigan)**

  • Leveraging Biodiversity Data to Explore Ecosystem Dynamics
    PI: Ruben Remelgado (TU Dresden), Co-PI: Kimberly Thompson (German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research)**

  • Maka Sitomniya: Preserving Mother Earth by Asserting Lakota Sovereignty in Earth Data Science
    PI: Phil Two Eagle (Sicangu Lakota Treaty Council), Co-PIs: Joni Tobacco (Great Plains Tribal Water Alliance), Elisha Wakinyan Zi Yellow Thunder (South Dakota State University)**

  • Synthesizing Patterns and Drivers of Zooplankton Community Dynamics Worldwide
    PI: Michael Meyer (U.S. Geological Survey), Co-PIs: Stephanie Figary (University of Vermont), Rachel Pilla (Oak Ridge National Laboratory), Jason Stockwell (University of Vermont), Celia Symons (University of California, Irvine)**