Informal Gathering of Long Term Studies Section at ESA

The Long Term Studies Section (LTSS) is holding a gathering at the ESA Meeting on Tuesday, August 6, from 5 to 6 p.m [Note: This time has been corrected from an earlier posting. ]

This informal get-together/networking event will allow you all to meet other folks conducting long-term research! A refreshment station will be on-site, and members of the Open Science sections and ESAs career central will be present. Stop by and introduce yourselves to the leadership team, chat about upcoming plans and events, and get to know others who share your passion for long-term ecological research and open science.

The LTSS is interested in recruiting new members to join the leadership team.

For any questions, email (at) or bd618 (at)

From: Bryant Dossman (Chair of LTSS)

The LTSS gathering is at 5 pm, not 8 pm as originally posted.