NEON Ambassador Program seeks applicants

Dear Friend of NEON!

We are excited to announce that applications are now open for the second cohort of the National Ecological Observatory Network Ambassador Program! This program is a great opportunity for early-career scientists who are interested in incorporating NEON into their work. Participants will have the chance to expand their network, deepen their understanding of NEON, and develop their leadership skills. This new cohort is geared toward postdoctoral researchers, senior graduate students, and other early career researchers. Scientists at other career stages and on alternate career paths are encouraged to apply if interested, and to describe in the application how this program aligns with their skills and goals. Applicants must be at a U.S.-based institution. Experience with NEON resources is preferred but not required.

If you know someone who might be interested or would be an excellent candidate, we encourage you to share this opportunity with them. For more details and to find the application form, please visit the Ambassador webpage, linked here. Applications will be accepted until July 15.