Powell Center call for synthesis proposals

The Powell Center invites researchers to submit proposals for two-year synthesis projects on any Earth or environmental science topic. This call for proposals will support up to six new teams of up to 15 scientists to convene for two weeks over two years at the John Wesley Powell Center for Analysis and Synthesis in Fort Collins, Colorado. Supported working groups can start their projects beginning October 1st, 2024.

“How To” Seminar

A virtual seminar on writing successful synthesis proposals will be held on November 16 at 1:00 PM ET. The link for joining this Teams meeting is available [here](https://“How To” Seminar A virtual seminar on writing successful synthesis proposals will be held on November 16 at 1:00 PM ET. The link for joining this Teams meeting is available here. Information on proposal preparation is also available at Powell Center.). Information on proposal preparation is also available at Powell Center.

We invite interdisciplinary Working Groups comprised of USGS researchers and their national and international colleagues in academia, government, business, and non-governmental organizations to submit proposals. Working Groups collaborate to promote understanding through analysis of existing data and information. The Powell Center seeks projects that address development and testing of important Earth system science ideas and theories using existing data, cutting-edge analysis of Earth system information, and use of sound science in policy and management decisions.

Proposals are invited that address the following thematic areas: Ecosystems, Energy & Minerals,
Climate Change, Water, Hazards, and Environmental Health. Proposals in USGS science thematic areas that also consider and address research priority areas for the National Science Foundation, such as those related to critical minerals, geohealth, and Earth system hazards, are also welcome. ALL proposals are evaluated by the Powell Center Science Advisory Board and there is no guarantee of NSF support. Proposals are evaluated for scientific merit, novel approaches, and rationale for conducting investigative activities at the Powell Center. Instructions for proposal preparation and submission are available under Proposal Resources at: https://powellcenter.usgs.gov/proposals

We encourage participation of early career scientists and efforts to include diverse perspectives in synthesis working groups. We further require a plan for how your Working Group will contribute to strengthening the participation of less well-represented groups in the Earth and environmental
sciences (women, underrepresented racial and ethnic minorities, early career).

The proposal deadline for Powell Center proposals is January 31, 2024. A separate proposal
deadline for Critical Zone Network synthesis effort is January 1, 2024. The call for Critical Zone
Network synthesis proposals can be found at CZNet synthesis.