Job Opportunity: Assistant Professor in Conservation Biology, University of Wisconsin – Eau Claire

The Department of Biology at the University of Wisconsin – Eau Claire (UWEC) is conducting a search for a tenure-track faculty member in Conservation Biology. It’s a great opportunity for any individuals interested in working at a primarily undergraduate institution and are passionate about conducting research with undergraduates.

Successful candidates may study any relevant system, but preference will be given to candidates studying invertebrate systems. The candidate will contribute to both introductory and upper-level undergraduate courses, such as Conservation Biology, Entomology, Invertebrate Biology, etc.

Please see here for details: Biology: Assistant Professor in Conservation Biology | Job Postings | UW-Eau Claire

Note that the priority closing date is October 9, 2023.

Feel free to reach out to the search committee chair (Dr. Nora Mitchell, for more information.

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