Resources for distributing science edu products (like lesson plans)
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Resources on publishing educational research and activities have been moved to a second wiki post.
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SERC Science Education Resource Center
Marty Downs submitting, but Cailin Huyck Orr is the person to contact.
SERC Community includes geoscience teachers as well as educational researchers and evaluators. They’ve also recently updated their website structure and search capability.
Alex Rose (MCM/NWT) submitting but Zain Alexander Iqbal Zain.Iqbal@Colorado.EDU is the person to contact there.
Great resource for publishing all kinds of STEM activities. They used to want things more fully fleshed out into curricula, but now want all kinds of shorter content. They do have an engineering focus, but even biology lessons can be packaged to emphasize the design, build, test cycle. Totally expected that there will be a short primer lesson before the activity but it shouldn’t be the primary component. Each topic then has 1-3 hands-on activities and a suggested sequence.
- Requirement for publishing: classroom tested + hands-on activity
- Need a somewhat focused age group (2-3 years) OR could have a lesson with two activities that are each aimed at a different group
- Budget: They are funded by NSF so all their side of editing/publishing is covered by their grant
- You need to do the curriculum development, classroom testing, and then modifications based on their edits yourself but there isn’t more budget needed
- Timeline: Once a lesson is accepted for review, meaning the materials are generally in good shape, it is 6-8 months until it goes live, depending on how close to publishable the content is and how backed up they are
Data Nuggets
Contact Liz Schultheis
Data ready for classroom use, co-produced between scientists and educators
- List of all the LTER Data Nuggets here - we curate them ourselves
- List of all Data Nuggets publications listed here
CODAP - example data sets
Kara Haas, KBS
I think you can pay to have articles published…I didn’t realize it worked that way until recently - several other MSU education projects do this. Examples:
- Using Effective Driving Questions in Elementary School Science to Help Make Sense of the World | Edutopia
- Using Family Interviews to Increase Equity and Engagement in Elementary School Science | Edutopia
STEM Teaching Tools
Kara Haas, KBS
I talked with Phillip Bell at NARST this year and he said to let them know if there are gaps in the STEM teaching Tools…here’s the pitch on the website: Do you have an idea for a new tool that we should develop? If so, send our team a message at or contact us on Twitter at @STEMteachtools.
Has a News from the Field section that can include blog posts, practice briefs, evaluation reports from informal science work
OER Commons
Marty Downs (LNO)
Public digital library of open educational resources. Explore, create, and collaborate with educators around the world to improve curriculum.